On Wednesday 04 August 2010 12:58:13 Malcolm Herring wrote:
> Bernhard,
> The OpenSeaMap data model definitions are contained in three files:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tonne/Datenmodell
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Bake/Datenmodell
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Leuchtfeuer/Datenmodell
> You will note that all the key/value pairs are prefixed seamark: This is
> the namespace that the OpenSeaMap renderer uses. You may find nodes in the
> map that have other keys as well as seamark:-prefixed ones, but those keys
> are not parsed by OpenSeaMap.
> If you are interested in adding seamarks to the map, there is web-based
> editor and also a JOSM plugin. I am in the process of upgrading the plugin
> & will check in the JAR as soon as I have finished testing it. In the
> meantime, you will find the existing ones on the openseamap.org web site.


Thanks for your response, this is very helpful.
I know the Josm plugin and I tried to use it but it has very limited 
capabilities (e.g. I cannot add lighthouses).
Thus, I thought about building my own simple, script-based "light tag 

What is the tag listed at the topic "Render Hints" 
(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Leuchtfeuer/Datenmodell) good for?


Isn't this a redundant definition of everything that is listed above it?
And what does the "*" stand for?

Best regards,

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