On 8 August 2010 13:25, 80n <80n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Isn't it going to present some complicated management problems if the LWG
> changes the contributor terms at this stage in the process?  There are
> already some 30,000 accounts that have signed up to CT 1.0, if the next
> batch agrees to a differently worded CT 1.1 then every future decision has
> to take account of both these two groups and all those who are still on

The proposed version of the CT clause is "compatible" with the current
version so no.

I will really welcome such change and I'm also happy it was suggested
to LWG by RichardF, who is already known to everyone in the LWG.  The
clause as it is now makes the CT incompatible with the ODbL itself
(the proposed version still would be incompatible but mostly just due
to the CC-By-SA provision, which would have little value after the
switch).  I can't imagine a realistic scenario where the CT "upgrade
clause" would be able to help and the ODbL's upgrade clause can't

Note that the CT can be "upgraded" by OSMF at any time as long they
don't lock themselves out unable to release a planet file including
old and new contributions together.


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