Wouldn't that only be used on the section of the path that actually has the 
steps, however?  I am wondering how (or if) you would tag the entire path to 
indicate that you can, legally, use a bicycle or motorcycle on it, but it isn't 
well-suited to such use.  Another reason that you might want to tag a path in 
such a manner would be if it had stepping-stones across a stream, rather than a 

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging Scheme Recommendations: highway=path, footway, 
>From  :mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com
Date  :Thu Aug 26 14:59:01 America/Chicago 2010

2010/8/26 John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com>:
> What additional tag would one use to state that a particular path is not 
> advisable for vehicular use (for instance, because it contains steps at one 
> or more points), but doesn't have a sign forbidding vehicular use?

this is not to solve by "additional" tags, but with highway=steps


John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to 
think at all." -- Hypatia of Alexandria
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