So I was hoping to do some data analysis on some things in planet.osm
for a class project. I knew it was a large data set but now osmosis
has been running for 2 weeks and used disk space is up 475 GB. I am
kind of wondering how far it will go. At one point I saw someone on
IRC estimate "200 GB" - obviously that went out the window last week
and two lvextend/resize2fs commands ago :)

So does anyone have a definitive answer on how big a full apidb import
of planet.osm is?

Using the whole planet for my project is probably not practical at
this point regardless so I will focus on Kansas only to begin with
(takes maybe 2 hours to import) and then maybe expand to more of the
US if time permits. But I still haven't killed osmosis and if it is
almost done I think I'll just let it go for the fun of it.


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