On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Simon Biber <simonbi...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Toby,
> Going by the statistics here, the main OSM postgresql database is now over 1.4
> TB. Though, due to continued deletion and insertion, there could be some 
> wasted
> space inside. A planet import should be smaller, by how much I don't know.
> http://munin.openstreetmap.org/openstreetmap/smaug.openstreetmap/postgres_size_openstreetmap.html
> Hope you have enough space to continue resizing!

Yeah I guess that's at least an upper bound. Doesn't each change
create another copy of a given object? So I'm guessing there may be
quite a bit of space savings by only importing the current version of
everything. I have about another 500 GB free for a total of 1TB. This
is a 2TB RAID5 (3x1TB) setup with 1TB already in use. But at this rate
the import won't even finish by the time this project is due so
yeah... I'm going ahead with my Kansas extract for now :)


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