On 09/01/11 16:28, Gorm E. Johnsen wrote:

Today there is >5500 ways with highway=unsurfaced (Taginfo <http://taginfo.openstreetmap.de/tags/highway=unsurfaced>). They seem to be evenly spread over the planet and was depreciated <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Deprecated_features> almost three years ago.

I would like to replace them with something better. I was thinking highway=road + surface=unpaved.

Do you agree that we should replace highway=unsurfaced? If not, please write a few words why you don't think we should.

Is there a better alternative than highway=road? I have seen 'uncurfaced' described as unclassified and track, but they both somewhat indicate more detail tan just 'road' does.

Is there a better alternative than surface=unpaved? Maybe we could use surfaced=unsurfaced to, for what its worth, conserve the old highway value? What should be done if there is a surface tag already? Overwrite? Or move to surface_old (or something)?

I would use XAPI and JOSM on about a continent at a time. Perhaps a bot is better, but haven't looked into how that is done. If anyone else willing to do it has a better tool to execute the edit, speak up.

best regards

Please don't make a global change to this either by hand or with a bot, you risk making 5499 mistakes which you won't find because you won't visit the sites to correct it, yet it will look superficially correct. Find a way to highlight these and let *local* mappers investigate and change these to appropriate tags. It will take longer but the end results will be much better.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

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