On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:19 PM,  <si...@mungewell.org> wrote:
>> Didn't Clinton turn the encryption off some
>> of the accuracy bits of the GPS signal at some stage (making military vs
>> consumer less important)?
> Yes SA was turned off. This is where 'they' deliberately added a random
> offset to the position, so that it would 'confuse' consumer grade
> receivers. Another arm of the US government then spent a lot of money
> setting up reference stations (DPGS) so that this 'error' could be
> correct.
> The survey grade equipment will be using dual frequency receivers, where
> the L2 frequency helps the receiver compensate for atmosphere conditions.
> A dual frequency receiver will be able to average a position to get 1cm
> accurate positioning.
> Usually in surveying you will tie everything back to a known point using
> too receivers and just measure as the deltas from this point. Rover
> measurements can be done with Real Time Kinetic (data link between base
> and rover) or post-processed (work with files after the fact).

I was under the impression that you still need those reference
stations for doing surveys, because of those atmospheric conditions
you mention.

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