On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 19:59:45 +0000
Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:

> On 10/02/11 19:37, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
> > On Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:36:53 +0100
> > "Kay Drangmeister"<k...@drangmeister.net>  wrote:
> > Let's get this completely fair, and remove all the work of others
> > who have been caught tracing from Google, admitted it when
> > challenged, and only the work which was challenged has been
> > removed. Work which may also be traced from Google because it also
> > was a long way from the person's home, and not been specifically
> > challenged, is still there in the OSM database.
> >
> Sounds to me like you're either admitting that you have traced from 
> Google or you know people who have. In either case that traced work 
> needs to be deleted, and serial tracers need blocking like Anthony.
> The distances are not any kind of excuse.
> If you are implying that most people trace from Google, then I am 
> convinced you are wrong.
> Of course you could be less of an argumentative pain-in-the-arse and 
> either put up or shut up.

I have made public, further back in the lists, the 'name' of the person
who did this. I'll save you the trouble of searching the archives. It
was 'staehler'.
I found his work in Australia, which was copied, and wrong. I asked
him, he admitted it and agreed to remove it.
Months later I found more of his work elsewhere in Australia, again
flagrantly wrong, because I was doing survey work on the ground.
He then tried to lay the blame on others for not having reverted his
work for him (Frederick Ramm, actually).
Australian mappers - mostly Rosscoe, carefully unpicked his Australian
When I have looked through staehler changesets I see that he has
"mapped" in many continents. 

So for procedural fairness, all of his work should go.

His name is public on these lists, with my name pointing him out as
copying, and copying from Google, as that was the only place with those
wrong street names.

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