>There is hardly any place on earth where there is "nothing left to

Yes, that's why I put it in quotation marks, however it does depend on
the individual.  Some people may consider it sufficient to have a
basic street layout in place and move on to other hobbies once that's
done; others want buildings with addresses and pavements mapped as
areas with surface tags and individual trees with species; others want a
complete tagging system for all of reality (see healthcare for an example).

I didn't mean to imply that Germany as a whole is complete, only that
many places (towns or suburbs) in that country are at a level of
completion where many mappers would consider them finished.  I know
that when I've visited Germany I have not usually found any mapping to
do - that is not the case in Spain, for example.

Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>

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