Michael Collinson <mike <at> ayeltd.biz> writes:

>If you are a user of OpenStreetMap data, this does not affect you. 
>OpenStreetMap data continues to be licensed only under CC-BY-SA and
>this will continue until we reach a critical mass of acceptance of the
>new license.

Accepting the new licence doesn't automatically imply rejection of the old one.
The contributor terms currently proposed are for the map to be distributed under
one or more of CC-BY-SA and ODbL/DbCL.  So the existing licence could be
continued as an option, for those users who prefer it, even after a changeover.

What's the plan for deciding whether and when to cut off CC-BY-SA distribution?
Would it require a 2/3 vote of contributors?

Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>

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