Hi Ed,

On 13/04/2011 16:15, Ed Avis wrote:
Michael Collinson<mike<at>  ayeltd.biz>  writes:
If you are a user of OpenStreetMap data, this does not affect you. OpenStreetMap data continues to be licensed only under CC-BY-SA and
this will continue until we reach a critical mass of acceptance of the
new license.
Accepting the new licence doesn't automatically imply rejection of the old one.
The contributor terms currently proposed are for the map to be distributed under
one or more of CC-BY-SA and ODbL/DbCL.  So the existing licence could be
continued as an option, for those users who prefer it, even after a changeover.
In addition to Dermot's comments, we initially considered dual-licensing CC-BY-SA but, yes, regretfully rejected it as it undermines a major objective of the license change which is to provide the strongest protection of OSM geodata in as many jurisdictions as possible. Future CC 4 dual-licensing is certainly a possibility if that is what active contributors want. CC 4 suite process is being kicked off and we have had direct meetings with Mike Linksvayer, Vice President and Diane Peters, General Counsel. It will take about four years.
What's the plan for deciding whether and when to cut off CC-BY-SA distribution?
Would it require a 2/3 vote of contributors?
39% of all users have now accepted the new license and contributor terms, and while I am not sure of my assumptions I estimate that is about 63% of active and previously active contributors . However, we clearly need much, much more than that to preserve data integrity at switch over and have two further phases to go [1]. From Sunday, we will run 5 weeks allowing folks who decline the ability to continue editing, i.e. CC-BY-SA only contributions. The objective is get the remaining 77,000 to accept or decline. If that runs slowly, we add up to 5 more weeks. Else, we proceed to the question of actually switching from CC-BY-SA to ODbL and has no date set. This requires reasonable community consensus that the amount of ODbL licensable data is maximised both globally and locally and that everything that can be done has been done.

License Working Group

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Database_License/Implementation_Plan

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