On 15 April 2011 23:21, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> At what point was the entire (active) OSM community asked if they wanted to
> relicense their data? If they haven't (I certainly wasn't) then when will
> we? Is this accept/decline that vote? If so, how do I vote no? How do I vote
> yes but withhold the option of changing my vote when I see the final
> license?

Well, I'm not trolling either, though this probably isn't the answer
you were looking for. Still, it's one way of breaking what seems to be
a deadlock:

Ian, could I ask you to consider agreeing to license your work to date
under ODbL? And in addition, to agree to the new CTs, which seem to me
to contain important provisions to avoid orphaning our map data if for
some reason we are not around to agree to some later legally
significant point that a significant majority of the Community active
at that time agrees is necessary?

So now that you've been asked, the discussion can turn in the IMHO
more productive direction of dealing with actual concerns with the
change rather than the protocol.


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