On Sat, 16 Apr 2011 11:20:27 -0400
Russ Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com> wrote:

> I think Frederick gave you the best answer possible. It's not that the
> community was *asked* by some overarching committee, but instead that
> it just floated up. Like a turd in the toilet. Frankly, I never
> thought it would come to actually deleting data. I always thought that
> that was OBVIOUSLY so insane that *somebody* would have killed the
> idea of relicensing.
> The trouble is, is that, just as no one person is responsible for
> creating the idea, no one person has the ability to kill it. Maybe
> SteveC, but he's convinced that Google is going to steal our data. As
> if our data had any value once separated from the community that keeps
> it alive.
> -russ

One of my questions, waiting a very long time for an answer, is
"What are the instructions of the OSMF Board to the Licensing Working
A corporate structure sets up committees. The Board gives the
committee a set of instructions. The committees are answerable to the
Now was the instruction "find out if we need a new licence, and if so
look around for one" or was it "find a way to put the OSM data under
this new licence".
>From there it will be quite evident exactly which group of persons made
this decision.

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