Richard Fairhurst <richard <at>> writes:

>ODbL 4.3 allows you to distribute Produced Works under any licence as
>long as you provide attribution.
>"[...] if you Publicly Use a Produced Work, You must include a notice
>associated with the Produced Work reasonably calculated to make any
>Person that uses, views, accesses, interacts with, or is otherwise
>exposed to the Produced Work aware that Content was obtained from the
>Database, Derivative Database, or the Database as part of a
>Collective Database, and that it is available under this License"

So you must provide attribution, but you don't have to enforce that
downstream users of the Produced Work have to keep the attribution.
(That seems sensible enough to me personally.)

Anyway, to get back to the original point, you mentioned some cases
where the current licence is being infringed by various small
businesses (not big map data vendors) who are using OSM tiles without
attribution.  But under ODbL this use would simply be permitted - they
could, for example, download rendered map tiles from somebody else and
then use them as they wished.  Or is it your understanding that the
attribution requirement under ODbL really is 'viral' and everybody who
distributes a Produced Work, no matter how far down the chain, needs
to attribute.  (If so, that takes care of one of the concerns that 80n
had with the new licence, that it doesn't guarantee contributors will
be credited.)

Ed Avis <>

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