I assume that the "twice a year change" and the "funny, alliterative animal 
names" are references to Ubuntu Linux.  Note that, while each release of Ubuntu 
has its own name, the Ubuntu logo has remained unchanged for years.  I agree 
that the change to a new OSM logo should have been discussed, or at least 
announced, well in advance, not done as a surprise to everyone except whatever 
committee made the change.

-------Original Email-------
Subject :Re: [OSM-talk] New Logo in the Wiki
>From  :mailto:frede...@remote.org
Date  :Sat Apr 30 16:27:19 America/Chicago 2011


Lester Caine wrote:
> So what is being done for those of us who invested in high visibility 
> vests which are now obsolete? And those who have paid for printing which 
> now needs to be redone. A LITTLE notification of such a major change 
> would have been nice. 

I propose this:

 From now on, we change our logo twice a year - on 1st May and 1st 
November. That way, nobody can ever claim not to have been notified.

(I also propose that we use funny alliterative animal names for each 

> I wonder how many local groups have only just 
> committed to expenditure that is now out of date even before they 
> receive the product? 

Calm down. Our merchanidse is not "out of date" just because the logo 
has been touched up.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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