On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Richard Mann <
richard.mann.westoxf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
> >
> > Richard:
> > You can consider using osmembrane[1] which is a GUI on top of osmosis. I
> > haven't tested it on Windows but I guess there's no reason it shouldn't
> > work. It makes working with osmosis a much gentler experience ;).
> > [1] http://osmembrane.de/
> I'm not sure if downloading a second package is really what I have in
> mind: just a simple howto which uses dos file paths rather than linux
> ones, and tells me which bits are programs (which need to be
> obtained), and which bits are commands to those programs.
> I'm sure it's not that difficult to puzzle out, but a few clues would
> make it easier.
> Richard

If getting the job done and learning about how osmosis works in the process
are among your goals, I guess osmembrane would still be a useful path to

cutting a bounding box of Port-Au-Prince from a PBF planet file and writing
it out as xml on Windows would be:

C:\osm\osmosis-0.39>bin\osmosis.bat --rb "\osm\planet-haiti-latest.osm.pbf"
--bb left=-72.36 bottom=18.51 right=-72.26 top=18.65 --wx

The only executable you're calling is bin\osmosis.bat (a shell script
wrapper). The rest is described in the wiki:

Be sure to get 0.39 if you're on windows as per Brett's warning on the main
Osmosis wiki page.

Martijn van Exel
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