On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Tom Hughes <t...@compton.nu> wrote:
> On 11/05/11 13:06, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone is working on Ipad support for openstreetmap.org?
>> Otherwise I will start working on it myself...
> I'd love to know how you're going to "work on it" exactly ;-)
> I mean you do know that the map is entirely driven by a third party
> javascript library right? So that is what you would need to work on
> rather than our site...

Of course, and I love OL!
I just wanted to know if somebody already looked into the problem
otherwise I would have done that.

BTW, this (dev) example works like a charm on Ipad, a lot better
than the one on khtml.org.


I had just hoped that this would have gotten implemented a bit faster...


> As it happens the OpenLayers developers aren't entirely unaware of the
> fact that touch devices are now quite popular and hence that have done
> lots of work to make the next version of OpenLayers support them. Once
> it is released we will of course implement that on openstreetmap.org.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
> http://compton.nu/

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