On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> It would be great to have a yardstick from you comparing Leaflet to
> OpenLayers in an "if you want ... you'll probably be better off with Leaflet
> but if you want ... you'll be probably bet better of with OpenLayers" way.

I'd say that you should use OpenLayers if you want a really mature, massive
library with tons of features, supporting myriads of GIS data formats,
layers etc., but if you don't need much more than just a map with some tile
layers, markers, popups and vectors on it, and want a faster and smaller
library that is easier to use and works well under mobile browsers too, try

Vladimir Agafonkin
Front-End Architect, CloudMade
+380 93 745 44 61
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