I think that's a great idea! However I don't believe it should be
directly added to the OSM database, since the POI may already exist,
or there could be other problems. Instead why not create an .osm file
and allow others to add/merge it to OSM using tools like JOSM? An even
better idea might be to piggy back on the bug/note concept, and just
create a ticket with the proposed changes. A JOSM plugin, Potlatch, or
a custom GUI can pull these bugs/notes and present them to a
contributor to add to OSM.

Great idea though, I'd love to see an implementation of this!


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Consider the following application scheme:
> * a twitter user sends a geo-located tweet containing a specified
> hashtag, say #addosm and key-value pairs like "amenity:pub;name:Red
> Devil;smoking:yes"
> * a twitter scraper picks up the tweet, archives it and posts a new
> point using the twitter coordinate and the decoded k-v pairs, plus an
> additional tag source:twitter[@twitteruser] or something like that.
> This would be an easy way to add POIs on the go, and could be an
> interface for mobile applications to post new POIs. This would not be
> totally anonymous but it's close. What do you think, is this
> acceptable? A similar level of anonymity is reached by WheelMap.org
> that allows anonymous OSM edits through their web site via the OSM
> account wheelmap_visitor[2].
> [1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits
> [2] http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/wheelmap_visitor
> --
> Martijn van Exel
> http://about.me/mvexel
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