On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 8:25 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 May 2011 04:19, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
>> Totally anonymous edits existed once in OSM, until 2007. See the first
>> link in my original message (mysteriously not referred to in the
>> message body..hm). They were abandoned for different reasons I
>> believe, the wiki page gives some explanation.
> I'm aware, but knowingly allowing it to continue was my point,
> especially since steps were taken in the past to stop accepting them.

That is exactly why I started this thread - to see how (un)acceptable
it is to do (semi) anonymous edits. I was surprised to see the
wheelmap construct but I'm sure that was discussed here before it was
implemented. Was it?

Martijn van Exel

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