On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Josh Doe <j...@joshdoe.com> wrote:
> I think that's a great idea! However I don't believe it should be
> directly added to the OSM database, since the POI may already exist,
> or there could be other problems. Instead why not create an .osm file
> and allow others to add/merge it to OSM using tools like JOSM? An even
> better idea might be to piggy back on the bug/note concept, and just
> create a ticket with the proposed changes. A JOSM plugin, Potlatch, or
> a custom GUI can pull these bugs/notes and present them to a
> contributor to add to OSM.

The problem of existing POIs is a real one and may be captured by the
scraper application:
* User posts tweet with the magic hashtag
* scraper looks up nearby OSM nodes and matches (fuzzily?)
* if the POI does not seem to exist, add.
* else, reply to user (via twitter) "POI xyz seems to exist already
(provide link).

An intermediary layer may seem like a safe bet but would require
people to invest time in validating, taking away much of the instant
gratification of doing something useful for OSM. This may also be
rewarded by replying with a tweet linking to a mapnik render of the
new POI in a map context.

Martijn van Exel

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