> Not at all - I know of no form of democracy that distinguishes between
> grudging acceptance or evangelical zeal.


I would quite like to take my data and start my own PD / CC0 project.
So by simply matching my new license to the conditions set by the
OSMF, I would be voting "yes" in your "referendum".

In this "referendum", the OSMF substantially influenced the outcome by
declaring beforehand "We are changing the license". They refused to
register new users who do not vote "yes". The emails that was sent out
only listed the advantages of the license change.

Go and look how an electoral commission operates. Something as simple
as the order in which the candidates appear on the ballot can be seen
as unfair.

I am not saying OSMF acted illegally or that the license change is a
bad thing. I am merely saying that the OSMF decided on the license
change before there was overwhelming support for it from the
community. The license change was not driven by the community. It was
driven by a few individuals. How else can you explain the dismally low
voter turn out when the OSMF members voted on it ?


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