2011/6/13 Zolt Egete <xphreaks...@gmail.com>:
> Are there any alternatives to osm2pgsql maybe something that ?

There are alternatives to osm2pgsql (e.g. imposm, osmosis) but they do
not do the same thing so it depends what you want to do with your
database (which scheme you want to have) which you should choose.

Actually osm2pgsql should work nonetheless, have you tried another
version of the planet or extract? Did you run md5 sum on your data
prior to importing it to verify if your file is OK?

./osm2pgsql -U postgres -s -u -S default.style -d gisa -C 2500

Maybe the reason is the "-u" option? Looking at the help this should
not be needed since 2007 and maybe even can cause some harm:
"-u|--utf8-sanitize     Repair bad UTF8 input data (present in planet
dumps prior to August 2007). Adds about 10% overhead."


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