On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 12:04 +0200, Zolt Egete wrote:
> As far as other map files are concerned I have downloaded a few ones
> but this is the only one which I could unpack (have used pbzunzip2,
> bzip2, bunzip2) but all the time I have got corrupt archive messages.
> Also the MD5 sum of the downloaded file where not consistent with the
> md5 hash sum from the servers (I do not yet know the reason why)
I think this is where your problem is.

With the recurring checksum issues you are seeing I would suspect that
something in your system is causing random data to be corruption. This
could be one of a thousand different things: a faulty RAM module, hard
drive cable, bad PSU, an over clocked or over heating CPU, bad PCI card
etc. Or it could be a software issue, such as a bad driver in the kernel
or X11. It can be really hard to identify the real cause but you could
try running memtest86+ or swapping around pieces of hardware.

I do not believe the files on the server are at fault. If they were then
I would expect to see many more complaints.

Until you can resolve the underlying data corruption issue then I don't
believe it is worth you trying different combinations of options with


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