On 2011-06-16 15:48, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
Andreas Perstinger wrote:

 How did you noticed that there is a right-way turn lane? Probably not by
 looking on the OSM map because then it would have been already there. So
 you have another source (local knowledge, bing, ...) from which you got
 the location of this way ->  you derived the information from that source.

My point is that you can't derive exact location from local knowledge. So in
the absence of aerials or GPS traces, any estimation will be derived from
existing ways.

So in your case there are just objects near your way which are ccbysa and which will probably be removed and there is no other legal source from which you can recreate the area? Then why do you care about this single way at all?

If there is just *one* single object near your way which isn't based on a ccbysa node/way, then you could always argue IMHO that you've measured the location of your way from this object (JOSM has a measurement tool with you can use for distances and angles). People have produced maps before aerials and GPS existed :-).

Bye, Andreas

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