On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 8:42 PM, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert
Gremmen <g.grem...@cetest.nl> wrote:
> The rotten thing here is that the ODBL fork has hijacked the domain name and
> servers, because of .... mainly because a majority let them do it.
> So I feel it very unfair to call the continuation of OSM under CC-BY_SA,
> in additon of being obliged to seek new resources (servers ,domain name and 
> community)
> are called a competitor with the aim of dividing the community.

Uh huh. So I suppose if there were a successful plebiscite in a
country wanting to change their form of government from presidential
to parliamentary (or vice versa) then that's a rotten thing unless the
winning side leaves the territory to the losing side and create a new
country with a new name?

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