On 7 July 2011 17:56, Toby Murray <toby.mur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking at the details it seems like the "Australia" being referred to
> is the continent, not the country. The New Zealand node has a
> "is_in:continent=Australia" tag and there is a place=continent node

a-ha, thanks

> that nominatim is associating it with. So I guess this is "correct"
> but perhaps a little confusing in how it is displayed. Perhaps you
> should rename your continent to avoid this confusion!

yes, we're in oceania now

> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Robin Paulson >> the search result for 'new 
> zealand', it zooms me in to zoom level 14
>> or something equally silly, so i am guessing it is tagged wrongly. any

any suggestions for this? why does it zoom in so close?


http://bumblepuppy.org/blog/?p=237 - government bill to remove basic
human rights in NZ

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