On 9/8/2011 4:40 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 09/08/11 01:20, SteveC wrote:
There are a bunch of people asking things on twitter about OSM that we

I don't think that we should encourage that. Call me old-fashioned but
to me this is as if you were saying: "There's a lot of people asking
things in pubs about OSM that we miss. I'm looking for a solution."

The solution is getting people to ask the questions they have not in the
pub but on the lists, in the forums, on IRC, or on help.osm.org, instead
of spreading our limited capacities even thinner.

To the twitterheads, Twitter is "the Internet". They won't go poking around, looking for which of the 4 or more help media (all of which require a signup sequence) to post a question. Perhaps we're saying the same thing we say about Facebook logins: if you're a twitterhead, we don't want you.

Or people saying nice things that we should be retweeting.

Why should we? "RT JoeRandomStudent: OSM rulez!!!!" - I don't see how
this should do anything but waste time.

Retweeting can be automated by keywords in your twitter client, and doesn't have to waste time. Normally retweeting would highlight Twitter trending topics, but I'll admit that the number involved in OSM is so low it wouldn't trigger any Twitter trending topics. But I still can't resist retweeting to this list:

"RT JoeRandomStudent: #OSM rulez!!!!"

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