On Wed, 05 Oct 2011 08:42:13 +0200
Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

>, the node will either remain nameless, or
> it will have both a Hebrew and Arab name combined in the "name" tag.
> This suggestion was met with either silence or attempts to drag us
> into a political disussion, which we refused.
As an outsider I really don't understand this. Is there a dispute on
what can be considered the local language in Jerusalem?
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name> : "The default name
(occupying the 'name' tag without suffix) should be the name in
whatever language is used locally."
Personally I would say:  '.. OFFICIALLY used locally.'
See for example Brussels where the name tags have both Dutch and French
names and as suggested here by the DWG.
If Hebrew is the (official) local language this is not a tagging issue
but a rendering one as others have noted and in that case the
combined name tag would be 'wrong' (IMHO).

Lambert Carsten

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