On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Peter Wendorff
<wendo...@uni-paderborn.de> wrote:

> A nice one would not simply give you one specific distribution, because you
> want to use Linux.
> Instead there would be some questions: what do you want to do with it? use
> it as a windows replacement for office work, or for driver developement?
> doing graphical stuff or running a server - and so on.
> With regard to the answers there may be one or a few chosen distributions
> the asked person would give you probably, and that's completely okay.
Okay, yes having a number of option is a good thing but I think this
20 or 30 at the most would be good enough and can fulfill the purpose,
but there is about 500 approximately.

> If I ask you, which computer game to buy as a christmas present, you would
> ask back, who should get it, too, and don't recommend the same for a
> hardcore gamer as you would recommend for my 5 year old sister - and for me,
> that sounds reasonable.

If I take the example of maps:
Google Maps is the best example of your every question, almost
everyone uses these maps and comes default with the most of the
smart-phones, although there are many Google maps based other
applications most of the people love to use official releases and
sometimes they don't even bother to change them.

The other reference is I can take from Social Networking Website:
Facebook is currently having 750 million accounts, and is it not a
surprising thing that how taste of so many people meeting at one place
and after that is twitter having the maximum number of users.
Although there are so many social networking website exist.

> If you want an "official" OSM application - what should it be able to do?
> viewing osm maps? that's possible with hundrets of applications - and with
> the osm.org website, too.
> editing? There are people who prefer JOSM and others who prefer potlatch.
> Both are highly connected and associated with osm without being "official".
> routing? What kind of routing? How fast? online? offline?

As I told earlier, that first of all the most basic features
displaying maps should be both online and offline,
along with the navigation and and tracking.

> If you would want to make an official app supporting everything, I promise,
> this is not stable for a long time, as it's very much maintenance work.
> If you would want to do that supporting all(tm) platforms (android, iphone,
> windows mobile, windows, linux, mac-os desktops, ...) it's much much more
> difficult, and if you would not want to support some of these platforms, but
> call it "official" you have to explain, why osm "officially" supports one
> platform, but the other one.

Ohh, That means I am talking about a very big thing.

Thank You.

Parveen Arora
E-Mail: m...@parveenarora.in

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