On 09/02/2012 10:23, Chris Hill wrote:
I find this lack of respect for people's work, and for copyright law
rather surprising and out-of-keeping with an Open project. Of course we
cannot just take people's work just because they have not replied to an
email or two.

Hear hear. People change email addresses and lose touch with things all the time - I run a mailing list of around a thousand people, and I get maybe a dozen change requests a month and maybe four who bounce. When I write to them (I have snail mail addresses too) I usually find they forgot to tell us. Where the onus is on someone to change it themselves, especially if they've moved on to other things, it doesn't happen.

> I can't see any reason that all OSM contributors are not
> madly remapping right now, whether from an armchair of foot/bike/car.

Many of us are. E&OE we've dealt with most of Cambridgeshire now, for example, with the exception of a few Cambridge colleges which are in hand, and a few things which need ground verification.

But it is a deeply dispiriting business, to have to re-do work you already did long ago, only for it to have been replace wholesale by someone who then hasn't ticked the box.


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