
On 03/12/2012 08:56 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
There's nothing keeping one from applying the Tiles@Home lowzoom process
to a slight variation of our standard Mapnik style however, and out
comes this (for zoom levels 0-8; from z9 on, the standard Mapnik style
looks fine):


I have uploaded a new version of these tiles, exaggerating the linework so that now even areas with no landcover import but a dense road network (e.g. South America) look "busy" on the map.

I think this comes pretty close to the Tiles@Home lowzoom tiles now. I might still have to do something about the country borders and labels.

I would like to repeat that this map is not intended to be particularly pretty; it is intended to be something like an "index" to OpenStreetMap data, something that tells you that there's something to discover if you zoom in on a particular location.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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