On Thursday 26 July 2012 11:48:39 Jo wrote:
> Anyway, as far as OSM goes, it's the first mapper who maps something who
> decides on which order is being used.

Slightly more difficult: It's true that the first mapper decides for the 
region of Brussels-capital, which is bilingual. But in the "municipilaties 
with facilities" (to you foreigners: municipalities not belonging to Brussels 
and which thus have only one official language, but offer facilities in the 
other language, for example in schools and courts), the official language 
always comes first.

> For street names I wouldn't mind French - Dutch consistently as French uses
> Noun/Adjective whereas we use Adjective/Noun in Dutch (like in English, but
> we write Parkstraat in one word, like in German...)

That's what you often see in Brussels btw, like:

Rue de
  Quelque Chose

With names it can be compacted as

   John Doe

a few examples: static.skynetblogs.be/media/135561/2636563073.jpg

Anyway, it's a minefield but it looks like we've solved it well in osm. In the 
past years there has been the odd user changing the orders of names (which is 
considered vandalism), but it's very rare.


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