Now the map cleaning phase has been completed (according to the message
of the day in JOSM)


Per today 8/9/2012 I still find most of my contributions that were
contributed under

the CC-BY-SA license in the new map, mostly simply cutted & pasted


This time I focused on my contributions in Israel.


Literally all of the unique features I added to the Israel map

have been copied by a so-called Mr_Israel, including

the home of my family, as the only building in a circle of a few
kilometers around

their home. It's impossible that Mr_Israel choose this home by hazard

and made the effort of re-survey himself.


Same for the red walk I actually walked and surveyed myself with a GPS,

it still in an unmodified version in the map, just the author changed.


Same for the numerous fish farms I drew, and apparently are the only one

in Israel according to Mr_Israel called Fish_farming in English.

The rest of the hundreds of fish farms in only marked is only water.


Same for the entire kibbutz Geva , all details I draw are still there, 

including voluntary mistakes in introduced. No changes but the name of
the author.

Mr_israel even for the sake of making less efforts copied the Places
name Geva

and left the original source.


On none of the modified data a new source such as BING or GPS survey

is mentioned, so I keep it on shameless copying !!!!!





If this is how the OSM community respects copyrights, then I have

to fear for the rest of the map. 




I declare the new map  still to be  CC-BY-SA and not ODBL




Gert Gremmen




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