Am 09.08.2012 15:10, schrieb ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen:

I declare the new map  still to be  CC-BY-SA and not ODBL

Your examples have to be investigated and fixed, I'm sure, but here you're completely right:
OSM is still licensed as CC-BY-SA currently as far as I know.

Who told you it has changed the license, yet?

So it's perfectly clean up to know.
Sure: There may be problems that should prevent from finally switching to odbl, and yes, some examples might be the ones you mentioned. Sure: we might not find every single piece where such problems exist - just like you probably don't have any idea how to find copyright problems in your fork. There have been copyright infringements by copies from google and others before, and ususally they have been found and fixed, because somebody reported these to osm, in a most often constructive way.

Unluckily you're not constructive in the way you report these problems - but nobody expected that from you, I fear. At least you mentioned user names and fuzzy regions where further investigation might start, while of course it would have been easier to solve with direct references, but sure: you don't want to help, you want to flame again and again.
That's boring, sorry.

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