On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 3:10 PM, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert
Gremmen <g.grem...@cetest.nl> wrote:


> Literally all of the unique features I added to the Israel map
> have been copied by a so-called Mr_Israel, including****
> the home of my family, as the only building in a circle of a few
> kilometers around****
> their home. It’s impossible that Mr_Israel choose this home by hazard****
> and made the effort of re-survey himself.****
> ** **
> Same for the red walk ...
> Same for the numerous fish farms I drew...
> Same for the entire kibbutz Geva...
On none of the modified data a new source such as BING or GPS survey****
> is mentioned, so I keep it on shameless copying !!!!!
> ****

First, thank you for trying to keep OSM database clean of tainted data. You
are right, these examples show that one person tried to remap your lost
data. If you have evidence that your contributions have been simply copied
and not re-surveyed, you should contact the DWG team. They are able to
suspend such bad behaviour (e.g. blocking temporarily this user) and
withdraw the concerned edits.

> If this is how the OSM community respects copyrights, then I have****
> to fear for the rest of the map.

Please, do not mix up one contributor bad actions and "the OSM community".
I'm sure you would not like the same mix up in your personal case.

> ****
> I declare the new map  still to be  CC-BY-SA and not ODBL

The DWG should react on your message. But hey, you cannot expect that all
your contributions will never be remapped by others soon or later (of
course, they will have to use other sources). Excepted the "voluntary
mistakes in introduced" you mentionned which is asking how far we can trust
your contributions in general.



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