2012-09-18 Lester Caine <lester at lsces.co.uk>
> Pierre - I'm not arguing against imports. Only unmanaged ones and ones 
we do not have easy access to the source data.
> As I understand it you 
can view the canvec data, but is it available as an overlay in an 
editor? That is the part of the jigsaw
> that I'd like to see handled 
better, so we can compare data against the existing map prior to any 
import, and are ABLE
> to analyze just what of the data can be imported 
directly and what needs to be merged in some way? Certainly a large 
> of the OS data is only useful as reference material and any 
import is only going to obliterate more accurate data, so having it
> available as an overlay works well.

Lester - The National ressources department is collaborating and produce OSM 
files from his topographic data. The community has established guidelines. In 
general, contributors edit this file into JOSM, comparing with what already 
exists.  It is not an easy job.  But these contributors have made fantastic 
efforts.  We see too ofteen dogmatic declarations against imports without any 

What we need as an organization is to establish governance practices that are 
efficient.  I am jealous of all the tools developped by the France community. 
The Talk-fr is very active and they are doing a great job. If you are not 
convinced, just look at the map of France. 

And about governance,  if this community cannot manage his contributors, who 
can?  We continually have new mappers, some working more or less intensively. 
We should adapt or organization to this Wikipedia like structure and try to 
better structure local communities.
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