I have seen enough bad imports (and put significant effort into
cleaning some of them up) that I like the guidelines and wish more
people would follow them. Even if each individual clause may be a
slight inconvenience or not entirely necessary for a particular
import, I think it is worth having and following them because there
seem to be a lot more bad imports than good imports. So while it may
be an inconvenience, it is well worth it to have a solid guideline you
can point bad importers to.

Also, Not all "local" communities are capable of performing their own
quality assurance and monitoring so I think it is ok to have some
global oversight on this issue. This may not apply to France but
having a dedicated import account still helps the overall process that
the DWG goes through.

I think Mike of all people should see the value in a dedicated
account. My understanding is that he could not agree to the new CT
because he imported data that was not ODbL compliant using his
personal account and then couldn't easily distinguish between his own
edits and the imported data. This led to more license bot damage in
Kosovo than would otherwise have been required.


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