Pieren wrote:
OSM is not unique, wikipedia too require a dedicated account for bots.
The uploads we are talking are normally done with JOSM after the
integration with the existing data and validation. If it is performed
with a script, then it's a bad import done by one of the "black
sheeps" mentionned earlier. We also agree to block such bad imports.

I think that one of the problems here is that if a large block of data is uploaded in one 'commit' it is difficult to know if it IS a manually edit, or something that has been created automatically off-line, and is being slipped in to bypass the bot rules. If a commit is too big then it is as bad as a bulk upload from one of the bots, or 'import'. Perhaps all that is needed here is that the chunks of data that are being integrated are kept down to a size that makes managing the history a little more manageable? Personally however I can see a commit that wipes out an entire town and then reloads it with new data would be somewhat irritating, and I think that this is what has been happening with the French data? Maintaining the history of the development of the data in an area, while being totally ignored by some users, is as important as simply creating a current map. *I* like to see when a change is made to information on the ground, so loosing that link to previous instances of an object is a problem. This is ONE of my gripes with imports of OS data loosing the 'history' of the previous development of an area but is totally ignored as a valid reason for not 'blanked wiping' an area to allow new data to be uploaded! Merging new imports with existing data is difficult, so tends not to happen, delete and reload is the quick fix but is destroying often valuable data :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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