Frederik Ramm wrote:
But besides the "content" aspect, there's also the technical or procedural
aspect - things like where and how to document your import, or whether or not
you need a separate import account, or whether it is acceptable to do
large-scale imports with an account the name of which signals disdain for the
project. I don't think these should be decided locally.

There are perhaps three separate discussions here ...
1 - How fine a detail should be allowed?
2 - Is the style of raw imported data acceptable to OSM?
3 - Do we need to be able to identify a raw import?

The first is more of a problem than the other two?
People mapping at a macro level only using the same was as the road, boundary, edge of building, and so on make it difficult for those of us who are now adding the footpaths between that road and building. And some will always oppose adding some types of data - such as building. I have no problem with adding the coble stones but as an area tagged such, which may actually be the road! The automatic reduction of that area to a way for routing is another matter?

The second links to the first when we import a course dataset and it needs to be reworked to fit into the OSM 'guidelines'. It may be preferable NOT to import the raw data, but provide it as an overlay for tracing? Or rework the raw data prior to import to a suitable format.

The third then becomes a matter of 'is this the same data that as provided by the raw import'. Personally I think that identifying an element against a unique_id from the source data SHOULD be the standard, so that hopefully in years to come we can simply automatically scan a new dataset and flag everything that has changed? That includes objects that have disappeared! We then need to be able to identify those items that have not been modified (point 3) and update them if necessary. And those that have (point 2) so we can provide a 'manual merge' list.

The 'separate account' was a crude attempt to provide a short term fix for 2/3 until a proper solution was put in place, and currently is still the best way to identify things until a more rugged solution is provided - centrally!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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