Paul Norman wrote:
From: Lester Caine []
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:47 PM
To: 'OSM'
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines proposal update

Paul Norman wrote:
From: Lester Caine []
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines proposal update

who last edited an object! ). Where the import HAS nice unique object
identifiers things are a lot easier, but raw vector data like the
French import, and I think the Spanish data you are talking about CAN
still be 'diffed' against earlier imports, and result in perhaps new
data that can simply be imported, or perhaps an overlay that
identifies conflicts that need a human eye. Isn't it better to spend
time working out a GOOD way of using the data going forward rather
than having to manually merge the whole lot again in a couple of
years time ... and every couple of years.

My thoughts on how to handle this for data with persistent unique
identifiers without adding those as tags is to

a. Record the correspondence between source ID and temporary
pre-upload negative OSM ID

b. Record the correspondence between pre-upload negative OSM ID and

c. Combine for a correspondence between source ID and OSM ID, and save
EXCEPT - that requires ALL the data from the external import to be
loaded in order to create the OSM ID which may not be a bad thing? ...
BUT Part of the 'preprocessing' before ever uploading the import would
be to identify which objects are going to be uploaded and which not, so
you need to create an 'id' initially related to the data source? That is
providing that the data source is actually identifiable data.

Well, you don't need to create an ID related to the data source - this is
for the case of data with persistent unique identifiers.

If decisions were made to not upload parts of the data with the first upload
this could easily be captured with the fact that there is no pre-upload
negative ID corresponding to a particular source ID.

BUT you may still need to identify the the un-merged data when processing in later upload cycles ... see below.

What I had not considered up until now is if the data source is simply a
raw vector file with version of a paper map, then while the individual
lines could be 'imported' the data is almost useless until it has been
'identified'? You may just as well simply trace? But even here all is
not lost since one can still pre-process the data and provide the link
back as to which lines have been copied and which not. In which case the
OSM ID provides additional data back to the source, but I doubt that
there is any value simply importing millions of lines segments directly
into the main database? This has to be a secondary staging area to
handle that data?

Data that is purely vectors with absolutely no information that can be
turned into OSM tags is basically useless. For the case where objects do not
have a unique ID you'll have to use spatial matching, likely in PostGIS.
This may run into problems if the geometry in the source substantially
changes for the same object on the ground but this is an inherent limitation
of the lack of persistent IDs.

I beg to differ here, although I did originally think the same!
We need some feedback from users who have access to this type of data, and I am wondering based on the comments about the French data if THAT is of this style?
And I am STILL looking at a staging layer anyway!

Raw vector data like this - if it is all that is available - has to be traced and tagged, but why shouldn't it be provided as a layer from which line segments can be simply selected rather than having to trace them? click,click,click,click, close(to join into area), identify. The processed lines can then be hidden and you move onto the next set ... your comment on 'stability' of the coordinates between imports is valid, and needs managing but I can see a case for 'tracing' say a street element, tagging it, but NOT including it in the later 'import'. You just need to make that information persistent without using OSM id's.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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