On Sep 26, 2012, at 6:25 PM, Christian Quest wrote:
> The OSM data is extracted from PDF vector data.

To be exhaustive, I have to mention that this is true only for cities that have 
a vector cadaster. 
Some cities (10% as an order of magnitude) have only a raster cadaster, in 
which case the mapper has to draw all the nodes and points manually.

That has been my case until now, and I wonder if this is considered as an 
import, as meant in the guideline.

If yes, then even drawing over bing or other imagery material would be an 
import too. I guess it's not wanted.

If no, it doesn't make any sense to me that a vector based process for the 
cadaster is an import, and a raster based is not. Everything is the same : kind 
of data, license, provider…

There seems to be a contradiction there.

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