Am 15.10.2012 18:17, schrieb Paweł Paprota:
When you zoom in to a small area there is indeed no activities in many
places - there is only ~8000 activities in the database at this point,
replication is still in progress.

As for the translation - I have added an English one but for some reason
it is not being picked up in Javascript, so it's a bug. But for now I
would propose to ignore the "details" and focus on the concept, such as
for example:

* Is presentation as a separate tab and on the user page useful?
IMHO the separate tabs on are a little bit fuzzy in their concept, yet. We have tabs for search, data details, map key, export and your proposed activities. The Tab concept as it's used currently lacks combination possibilities: It's not possible to show any combination of tabs, which would be useful especially for the activity stuff. I personally don't want to actively crawl the activity, but have it at hand while using as a mapper; keep it open and see what happend while diving into a data detail with the data tab or exporting an image.

But as long as there's nothing changed in what we have now, well... it's one simple and fitting possibility, that doesn't harm the current page ;) (to make that clear: the feature itself is cool, that doesn't harm, I'm talking about the implentation as tab here only).
* Do you think commenting on activities would be a useful feature?
For blog posts I think we have that already, which raises the question if that should be something on the activity stream or on the activity itself at source side.
You proposed yet
- diary entries: these have comments already. I think, it should be possible to show them, probably to add them, but comments should be attatched to the blog, not to the activity server here. - new mappers in your area: commenting? I would like to see a link to send them a osm message instead.
- OSM Tasking Manager: not sure, don't know much about it.
- events: shouldn't comments go to the wiki page etc. where they are pulled from? - a link to provide that help would be better (again direct at the help system)
- ponies: no comment (please ;) )


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