Very interesting.

Activities seems to be going for replacing the history tab - am I seeing this 
right? I was expecting activity streams an expansion of the 'your friends' feed 
on my user profile. I. e. while on the history tab I get a complete changeset 
listing, on Activities I see summaries of people or places I'm interested in 
(how the latter would work is not fleshed out at all atm in OSM). I'd like to 
understand better where you see activity streams falling between functionality 
we now accomodate under the History tab and the friend feed.


On Oct 15, 2012, at 11:11 AM, Paweł Paprota <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been working and working on this stuff or a few weeks now, I guess
> now is as good time as any to show a pre-pre-alpha version :-)
> So what I have for you today is a demo instance [1] of the Rails Port
> that is integrated with Activity Server by means of the new Activity tab
> - this tab shows activity for selected (displayed on the screen)
> bounding box.
> For now it looks similar to the History tab but it is fully powered by
> the Activity Server which means that in the (near) future there will be
> more information there than "just" changeset activities - I hope to
> integrate diary entries, "new mappers in your area", events, OSM Tasking
> Manager, and ponies.
> Changeset descriptions are of course powered by an integrated instance
> of the great Changemonger project courtesy of emacsen.
> There is also an early version of user page activity stream, e.g. [2].
> Couple of notes:
> * Yes, some (most) of the activity stream functionality is just for show
> (comments, zoom, reloading) but could be relatively easily implemented -
> I would love to hear people's opinions.
> * Apidb contains only data for Poland so you probably won't find your
> user in this instance.
> * Activities are being currently generated based on an Europe database
> and the replication is catching up (now it's at the end of September) so
> new activities pop up constantly as replication progresses.
> Let me know what you think about functionality and otherwise.
> [1]
> [2]
> If you want to know more about this effort, see:
> Paweł
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