On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> (creating a separate account) Why is this such a big deal for people?

Frederik, It's true that only a small part of the French community
imports buildings. And DWG only detects a part of them, only those
using big changesets.
Once the DWG warning message is sent, it seems that most of importers
are just stoping and waiting. Only a minor part accepts the "separate
account" rule and goes ahead.

Then, instead of asking "why you don't accept this simple rule for
imports ?", you should better ask "why this simple rule is not
accepted for this import ?"
Even if you don't ask, I will reply:
- no argument has been able to convince people that this rule is
necessary here (I will not repeat all the arguments already mentionned
in the past weeks).

Where contributors accept many rules (like "do not tag incorrectly for
the renderer", "do not duplicate", etc), they see this rule as a
religious "mantra" imposed by a group exceeding his mission.
Finally, the story is even more ironic. The DWG does not care about
the quality of the cadastre buildings import and how good they are
integrated with the existing map as soon as a separate user account is
used. Where the French community is more worrying about the quality
and integration than the quantity or the user account management.

A small group of local contributors has been recently set-up to watch
the builing imports in France. If the group detects some bad
behaviours like uploads interrupted, duplicates, no integration with
the existing data, then this group will contact the importers and even
ask some support to the DWG to temporary suspend an account if
necessary. I still hope that this group and DWG will be able to work
together. But please, do not exclude contributors just for the
"separate user account" rule that lost OSM primary goal : "creates and
provides free geographic data"


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