Hi Dave,

Thanks for your feedback - it is exactly what I was hoping for.

Things I've noticed: RSS gives this error: We're sorry, but something
went wrong.

Thanks, I'll fix that.

Scroll bar Gets 'stuck' as I move it down & some of the lettering
doesn't scroll (Firefox  17.01, Shockwave Flash 11.5 r502) Appears to
 work OK in IE (Haven't got Chrome)

Yes, I'm seeing it on Firefox 17 on Windows (on Linux it's OK). Not sure
what's going on but this looks very similar to the following more
general problem:


When I click on an entity the pop-up balloon sometimes obscures it
making it hard to see the changes in geometry. Could the balloon be
positioned further away or make it movable?

Yeah, I noticed that too, not sure yet how to handle this properly.

Requests: Could the permalink be designed to display the history

Good idea, I added it here:


Open click-able pages into new tab as default (personal preference)

Hmm, not sure what to do here. I also prefer using new tabs but for that
I always use middle click.

Instead of having the 'next page' icon could a continuous scroll be
employed (similar to how twitter gets older messages)?

I thought about that but there's one problem - if there is continuous
scroll then you will get more and more changesets by scrolling down. And
that means that the user probably expects all of them to be displayed
and that's problematic because browser performance/responsivity
decreases very sharply as the number of geometry features grows beyond
some point.

This still needs to be solved even now with pages limited to 15
changesets - in some cases there is just too much stuff to show and the
browsers freezes.

I would love some thoughts on how to best solve this problem in a way
that is not too complicated for the user.

When hovering the mouse over an edit in the History bar the entities
for that edit dim to a light shade. Wouldn't it be better if it was
the other way around & all others dimmed while the edit your
interested in were emphasised (something similar to the way relations
are highlighted in Potlatch)?

OK, I will tweak color configuration.

Thanks for a superb tool that will save a lot of time for checking

I'm glad to hear people like it. I hope it will do more than "just" save time. I think it really brings OSM data to life and shows that it is really a wiki-like mapping project where anyone can change anything.

Anyway, thanks again for your feedback. For the future don't hesitate to create Github issues here if you want:


I will add a "report a problem/idea" link to the beta version, maybe it will help with getting more feedback.


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