
On 01/11/2013 03:26 PM, Alex Barth wrote:
Over here at MapBox we see a need to better communicate the open and 
contributory philosophy of OpenStreetMap on our maps.

I see two aspects:

1 - standardising map attribution (your teardrop+hammer symbol)

2 - making a nice "about" page

Both are not necessarily connected but can be.

Your "about" pages look impressive! There is certainly room for such a "campaign" type set of pages somewhere on OSM where we can steer newcomers who want to see a slide show or so. Personally, I'd even like the openstreetmap.org start page to be very simple with a few links - one to your pages, one to the map, and perhaps a couple more. I'm not sure however if that set of pages (which is high on visuals and low on facts) would be the prime target for someone clicking on a map attribution somewhere; the copyright page we're using now might be better suited for that, not least because many third parties who give us their data are promised attribution via that page and it might not be good to put that behind too many clicks.

Standardising map attribution is often asked for and I welcome the effort. The symbol itself I find too unobtrusive though; we should encourage people making maps from OSM to actually have "OpenStreetMap" written on the map and not a little symbol. I don't see why we should be content with a mini icon when both Google and Bing require much larger attribution - it looks like we wanted to acknowledge that we're not as great as them!

Also, we in OpenStreetMap have often positioned ourselves as "more than just markers on a map", and logo suggestions involving the typical map marker teardrop have been rejected (loudly) in the past because of that. I find the hammer-and-teardrop symbol visually appealing but it might not be the right symbol for OSM.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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