This looks nice. It's unobstructive and light, but powerfull.

I have a few feature requests :)

- It would be nice to have a transparent circle where you click your mouse,
with the diameter of those 20 meters on zoom 18 So you know what area the
baloon is showing.
- When you put the URL in the headline, put it on the website tag too.
Before I read your mail to the end, I tried to click on the URL and was
annoyed it wasn't made into a url. Or at least, put the underline below the
headline, so it's visible that it's a link.
-When you hover over an item in the baloon, a marker could show up on the
map (a circle for a POI, a line for a street)

In the future, we should make a service that gives meaning to key-value
pairs. For example, oneway=yes and oneway=-1 are just "oneway", and
oneway=no is twoway.

Janko Mihelić

2013/1/21 Roland Olbricht <>

> Dear all,
> have you ever been annoyed that Mapnik doesn't render a name for a street
> or a pub, although you are interested in?
> The POI click feature for now has a public prototype:
> Just click on the map somewhere and all the nearby named items are shown
> with their tags.
> It follows the idea
> Before this moves to the main site, I would like to improve the usability
> as much as possible. So I'm grateful for all feedback.
> For example:
> Are there places or zoom levels where interesting points are missing? Or
> places where you get too much?
> Would you like some other formatting, more or less headlines, icons or
> whatever to easier categorize the results?
> Would you like to see something different than the list of tags?
> Have you other observations or suggestions? For example, Pawel made some
> technical observations that will give rise to improved speed for way-bbox
> queries on future version of Overpass API.
> A few details:
> You may see three kinds of results. If there are few results, they are
> shown immediately. If there are more results, they are shown as expandable
> headlines. If there are no results or way too much results, an error
> message is shown.
> The range depends on the zoom level, compensating for mouse position
> inaccuracies. It is currently about 20 meters on zoom level 18 and doubles
> with every zoom level.
> As an extra feature, if an element has a tag value starting with "http://";,
> the headline of the element gets a hyperlink to the URL written in this tag
> value.
> Cheers,
> Roland
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