
Some remarks:
1) zooming in by double click should IMHO not trigger the bubble "zoom in to..."

2) the bubble with the pois is too high sometimes. It looks like it's size may be restricted to 100% of the window height, but that's too much as it requires panning the map to read everything

3) in zoom levels 17+ the range for the query might be too less, at least as soon as there's nothing. e.g. at [1] clicking on the corner of a label is too far away from the POI to return any results.

4) especially for POIs not displayed on the map it might be useful to show an additional icon, as there's a "missing link" between "poi nearby" and the map.

5) POIs mapped as areas (e.g. building outlines) are not found on click inside the area, but only on the outline (try to click on the "real" icon: no result; click on the building outline nearby and you get the -real poi)

6) I think, the list of tags is a nice debug view, but it would be great to provide some kind of i18n functionality, that as a default uses more human readble stuff (and probably ignores some tags like source, created_by, ). An additional "view data" might show the raw tags again.

7) I would change your hyperlink functionality to create a hyperlink in the corresponding tag line instead. There the user reads a hyperlink and IMHO therefore expects it to be clickable, while the slight color change at the title is not very obvious. On top of that there are objects with more than one URL attatched (e.g. website and wikipedia), which again would lead to confusion as it's not intuitive which link would be used in the title.


[1] http://overpass.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.70356&lon=8.770131&zoom=18&layers=M [2] http://overpass.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.703081&lon=8.768023&zoom=18&layers=M

Am 21.01.2013 09:37, schrieb Roland Olbricht:
Dear all,

have you ever been annoyed that Mapnik doesn't render a name for a street or a 
pub, although you are interested in?

The POI click feature for osm.org now has a public prototype:

Just click on the map somewhere and all the nearby named items are shown with 
their tags.

It follows the idea

Before this moves to the main site, I would like to improve the usability as 
much as possible. So I'm grateful for all feedback.

For example:

Are there places or zoom levels where interesting points are missing? Or places 
where you get too much?

Would you like some other formatting, more or less headlines, icons or whatever 
to easier categorize the results?

Would you like to see something different than the list of tags?

Have you other observations or suggestions? For example, Pawel made some 
technical observations that will give rise to improved speed for way-bbox 
queries on future version of Overpass API.

A few details:

You may see three kinds of results. If there are few results, they are shown 
immediately. If there are more results, they are shown as expandable headlines. 
If there are no results or way too much results, an error message is shown.

The range depends on the zoom level, compensating for mouse position 
inaccuracies. It is currently about 20 meters on zoom level 18 and doubles with 
every zoom level.

As an extra feature, if an element has a tag value starting with "http://";, the 
headline of the element gets a hyperlink to the URL written in this tag value.



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