> There are of course feature requests/suggestions.

Thank you for the response. Some of them have already been suggested, and I 
will try to collect them all on
> 1) Make it more obvious for people that the POIs can be clicked on. It
> doesn't have to be on the POIs themselves so it might fall outside of
> your technical solution. Or maybe lift the solution from Wikipedia's POI
> map since it's already been done (if license permits).

The solution from openlink.org looks like a very good approach to this. But I 
don't think this would be acceptable to be shown by default on the main map. 
Maybe it can be made an optional overlay.

> 2) Internationalization would be great.

Yes, indeed.

> 3) Rather than displaying the tags and their values, translate them into
> user-friendly strings. A complete list of tags could just clutter the
> UI. Like if one click's on the border of Reykjavík (capital of Iceland)
> and choose Reykjavík. It's mainly a list of the city's name in other
> languages, which has very limited use.

Yes. I have noted this particular use case of tags as an example for tags to 
be treated in a special way.

> 4) Display information when clicking on buildings. Not just about the
> POIs themselves, also the construction year and such. Maybe present the
> complete address within the country if available. I'd think the general
> public would like that very much.

I fear we don't have very much construction dates. But a decent presentation 
may help to show this and other data.

It is an open question whether we can the data make so appealing that the 
general public likes it and at the same time the transformation so 
straightforward that an average mapper can control the transformation process. 
This is highly desirable but a huge job. Please don't forget that Changemonger 
has needed a lot of effort to make sense of changesets.

> 5) Link to the Wikipedia entry if there is one, with priority to the
> UI's language of choice. This has been done before, I think, in the
> Wikipedia POI map. You could maybe use the same api to get the correct
> language.

I thought that the wikipedia link is present explicitly in the tags, isn't it? 
The question is whether it is possible to link to a different language 

> 6) And of course make the code configurable in the backend so others can
> implement it easily on their OSM sites. :)

The prototype is on purpose almost perfectly decoupled. Just copy the file
and insert a line
    map.on('click', popupLayer.onMapClick);

More configurability unfortunately doesn't make sense at the moment, as most 
things that could be configured may get another implementation with other 
configuration options. Whenever code gets more final, it will also get 
appropriate configuration options.



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